
Doggy Play Dead.  mixed media

[suh-ren-der] to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand. Ahh the power of treats. I really believe without them there would be no doggy tricks. At least not from my dog! This weeks topic at IF "Surrender".


  1. Oh my goodness... I LOVE this Ivy! Our dog does the 'bang' trick and acts like he was shot... all for a treat. He will not do it unless we have a treat though. lol Just an adorable piece! :)

  2. aww, this is too cute! that is so funny that we posted at the same time. i love this lots.

  3. they're both cute! i wish i have a dog..

  4. Great idea and the colors work really well.

  5. What a cute piece! I wish my dog would go for treats...sometimes I guess he's not hungry and totally just ignores the treats! haha

  6. adorable illustration
    the doggy is just precious!
    I wish mine was like that ... instead, she gangs up with my cat, and they lick me to death... every day

  7. So CUTE! Bang! Hahahaha. Actually, I will roll over and play dead for a treat, too.

  8. Oh my dearest sweet ivy, this is sooo adorable! The little new puppy at my papa house does the same too!! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!

  9. Awww thank you. It's so fun reading about your pets ♥

  10. OcH!!! THAT DOG!!! ouch, my heart!!! I Love the fine lines and detail, i just want to pick that dog up and twirl him/her around the rooooom! all daaay!

  11. Such a good doggy actor and such a lovely muted palette.

  12. I've been trying to teach my dog this trick ever since I saw your drawing, by the way. It's not going so well. Can I borrow your dog?


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