I am a HUGE fan of his dark and quirky style. Can not wait to see Alice In Wonderland this Friday! I'm in it for the brilliant animation, costumes, colors and delicious macabre - of course a good storyline wouldn't be bad either. Oh-h- how exciting... I cannot be late for this very important date!
Tim Burton's exhibit at the MOMA http://www.moma.org/ is amazing and oh - so-o-o inspiring. It's a wonderful showcase of several personal works - many never published. His exhibit has been up since November 22, 2009 and will be up 'till April 26, 2010. I highly recommend going! I missed his book signing back in November but thrilled to have gone to his exhibit. Twice, in fact, and I will going again for sure. I just can't get enough - when you walk in it's like another world and you just get lost in it!
No cameras aloud in the exhibit but here's is a sneak peak of my favorites...

Untitled (Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories)
c.1982-84. Ink, marker, and colored paper, 10x9" (25.4x22.9cm). Private collection.
c.1982-84. Ink, marker, and colored paper, 10x9" (25.4x22.9cm). Private collection.
Untitled (Clown Series) 1993. Oil on canvas, 12x9"(30.5x22.9 cm). Private collection.

Untitled (Alice in Wonderland)
2009. Ink and colored pencil on paper, 5x8" (12.7x20.3cm). Private collection.
2009. Ink and colored pencil on paper, 5x8" (12.7x20.3cm). Private collection.
Blue Girl with Wine
c. 1997. Oil on canvas, 28x22" (71.1x55.9cm). Private collection.

c.1980-86. Pencil on paper, 13x16" (33x40.6 cm). Private collection
Untitled (Ramone)
c. 1980-90. Ink, marker, and colored pencil on paper,
11x19" (27.9x22.9cm). Private collection.
11x19" (27.9x22.9cm). Private collection.
I can go on and on... these are just a few that are in the MOMA book I purchased. But... there's also his new book - The Art of Tim Burton which is not sold in bookstores or on Amazon.
Only available directly from SteelesPublishing.com. They are limited and there are two editions that contain over 1000 illustrations and 430 pages plus foldouts. I gotta have this!
I'm so excited to see it also! Nice to meet you, I'm one of the fellow fishies in the ecourse. :)